Introducing Agantty Premium

Blog / 7. April 2022

Agantty Premium


We worked on Agantty for seven years as a kind of side project. Initially, it was just for getting better control over our own agency-jobs. With over 330.000 users and daily demands for new features and style updates, we need to change from working on it in our spare time between customer projects, to work on it with full engagement. To be able to invest the necessary time, love and energy, we decided to add Agantty premium.

The pricing is sleek, easy with unlimited usage – just as we like Agantty to be. For 4,90€ per user a month, or 50€ a year, you don’t have any restrictions and can plan with as many teams, projects and tasks as you like and give us the opportunity to work full-time on our baby and make it even better for you.

With a couple of new ideas, iCal integration and mobile gantt support, as well as major style updates, we’re about to make Agantty just the problem solver you need in your day to day.

We added a 2-week test phase for everyone who is new to Agantty and a 4-week test phase for everyone with an existing account to check out our offer and hope you will stay with us all the way. We are looking forward to a new era of Agantty getting the right attention it needs.

Thanks, and let’s get it started.
Fynn & Florian from Agantty