Review Agantty on Capterra and get a 20$ Amazon gift card (Update: campaign over)
Blog / 19. February 2018Agantty is featured on Capterra
Capterra is a web service that helps users find the right business software. Every user can review and rate the software. What we need now are your reviews!
So we struck a deal with Capterra: Depending on how many of you want to write a review, up to 100 users will get a 20$ Amazon gift card as a thank you.
All you have to do is enter your first name and email address here (or in the pop-up in the bottom right if you haven’t closed it already as a “pop-up-reflex”) and accept the terms. Capterra will contact you and for the first up to 100 published reviews they will give out 20$ Amazon gift cards.
We will give your email to Capterra ONLY for this campaign. They will sent you three emails at the most and then delete your address again when the campaign ends. Promise.
We are very thankful for every review and feedback we can get and Capterra is a good way to show everyone else out there how you guys feel about us.